Nursery 2024 - 2025
Welcome to our Nursery class page. We hope that you will find the information useful.
Class Teachers: Miss Wala & Mrs Devonshire
Higher Level Teaching Assistant: Miss Mallon
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Merrick and Mrs O'Hagan
If you would like to arrange an appointment to speak to your child's class teacher please contact the school office on 0161 445 6359 or email the school office at and they will arrange a mutually convenient time.
Message from the Teacher
If you would like your child to have water during the day please send in a flask or sports bottle with their name clearly marked on. Your child will still have his/her milk as normal.
Please be punctual at the beginning and end of every day 8.45am and 3.10pm respectively.
Please can you make sure that all clothing and personal possessions are labelled as items can be difficult to identify.
Please also notify us of any changes in routines for collection at the end of the school day.
Remember, we are always here before or at the end of the school day if you wish to discuss any concerns.
Reading Books
Children in Nursery have the opportunity to choose a story book to bring home each week. We select books on a Wednesday, so children will need to bring in thier bookbag/ school bag on this day only. This will begin after Christmas.